Named in honor of
New Belgium's co-founder's bike trip through Europe, Fat Tire Amber Ale marks a turning point in the young electrical engineer's home brewing. Belgian beers use a far broader palette of ingredients (fruits, spices, esoteric yeast strains) than German or English styles. Together with co-founder, Kim Jordan, they traveled around sampling their homebrews to the public. Fat Tire won fans with its sense of balance: toasty, biscuit-like malt flavors coasting in equilibrium with hoppy freshness.
BJCP Style 10B
ABV 5.25
OG 1.051
FG 1.011
Calories 144
SRM 20.6
3 lb Extra Pale Extract
4 lb Amber Extract
6 oz Victory Malt
1 lb Munich Malt
.5 lb Crystal 75L
Hops-Bittering .75 oz Target
Hops-Flavor .5 oz Willamette
Yeast WLP051 California Ale V